The curriculum at PrathaPreschool is a time for your little one to fall in love with education. The right preschool Program should help
your child grow and learn in ways that best suit their unique mind. But how do you know which one is right?
We at Pratha have created our own formula to prepare the child for the world today and the times that are coming.
Hence our vibrant curriculum's guiding philosophy is inspired from the greats of the Pre school world namely1. Maria Montessori
2. Reggio Emilia
3. Waldorf
4. Howard Gardner ( Multiple Intelligence Theory )
5. Our great nation's Value systemThe objectives are fulfilled through experiential learning , use of puppets, role play, circle time activities, art and
craft,action songs, story telling , H.O.T.S. , S.T.E.A.M. and much more.
Focus on individual progress and developmentIndividual accomplishments provide a young child with loads of confidence and
sense of pride .We at Pratha celebrate each little effort and ensure that with
time the child develops holistically.
Experiential LearningExperiential learning is all about gaining practical knowledge to
help young children become more interested in learning. Our project
based learning allows kids to actively participate in everyday activities,
helping them build and enhance life skills that will certainly be beneficial
to them in the future.
Developing communication skillsEffective communication skills are integral to children's self-expression,
their development of social relationships, and to their learning. The
foundations for these skills begins at birth and is built throughout the early
childhood years as we provide opportunities to express themselves through
Let's Share and tell , Special assemblies , celebrations , Annual day etc .
Developing critical thinking skillsFor our preschoolers, critical thinking involves the ability to think clearly
and rationally in order to understand logical connections between ideas.
To engage in reflection and independent thought, we encourage our
children to become active learners rather than passive recipients of
information. We love to arouse their curiosity and ask questions.
Child centered environmentThe child is the centre of our universe at Pratha . All decisions are made
and planning is done keeping their interest in mind .Our eco friendly
classrooms , vibrant class boards , the play zone , the in house made meals ,
field trips being planned etc are testimony to this endeavour of ours .
An integrated approach to learningOur approach to learning is very integrated in nature . We incorporate
different learnings while planning one activity which is indeed
interesting and fun .
Developing sound valuesWe are proud Indians and developing a sound value system is part of our
ethos. We celebrate National , Religious and Thematic festivals with great
gusto and fervour ensuring our secular credentials are maintained and
nurtured .
Developing sensitivityLove and Compassion towards fellow being is intrinsic to our every day
teaching Respect for the Guru or the facilitator is encouraged and of
course earned .Nannies . the back bone of the Operations are loved for their
dedication and warmth which they bestow on each little one under our