The curriculum at Pratha
Preschool is a time for your little one to fall in love with education. The right preschool Program should help
your child grow and learn in ways that best suit their unique mind.
But how do you know which one is right?
We at Pratha have created our own formula to prepare the child for the world today and the times that are coming.
Hence our vibrant curriculum's guiding philosophy is inspired from the greats of the Pre school world namely
1. Maria Montessori
2. Reggio Emilia
3. Waldorf
4. Howard Gardner ( Multiple Intelligence Theory )
5. Our great nation's Value system
The objectives are fulfilled through experiential learning , use of puppets, role play, circle time activities, art and
craft,action songs, story telling , H.O.T.S. , S.T.E.A.M. and much more.